
10th Annual Open Forum for Metadata Registries

Integrating Standards in Practice

You are invited to participate in the 10th annual International Open Forum for Metadata Registries to be held in New York, NY, from 9 - 11 July 2007. Participants will hear a mix of plenaries, case studies, implementation experiences, practical applications, research projects, and advanced development activities. The main theme of the meeting is the value added by using several standards together in applications. Too often, people become adherents to a standard, and start to believe it can solve all the world's problems. The purpose of the conference is to show that the opposite is true. Using standards for the purpose for which they were designed and using multiple ones in appropriate ways is a more effective approach.

Conference Background

Almost every organization manages data in some way. There are many purposes for these data, including human resources, sales, manufacturing, medical care, environment, aeronautics, basic science, engineering, and socio-economics. Sometimes, and again for many purposes, organizations need to share these data with other organizations or individuals. Several conferences are necessary to discuss all the requirements for data interchange, so this conference will focus on what is necessary to achieve a common understanding for data, i.e., for data sharing. Read more...

Daily Flow

A document detailing recommended directions and alternate routes to the meetings and social events is now available here. This document includes step-by-step directions on what stations to use and what trains to catch including estimated times to each destination. You may access a printable version of this document here.

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Annual Meeting

The ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Annual Meeting will require a separate registration and will be held in the same location following the Open Forum. For more information on the SC32 / WG2 meeting, please consult the SC32 / WG2 website.

Please contact the webmaster if you have any questions.

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